
Dear Facilities Manager;

We want to improve the quality of the air you breathe and make your workplace sparkle!



Take a look your workplace. Check out the carpet in your entryway and reception area; peek under the table in the conference room and lunchroom; and take a look down the hallways. Is the carpet clean?

Does your carpet enhance your workplace and convey the vibrant carpet colors are now dulled by use, and hidden under coffee stains and soil. Not to mention infested by unpleasant looking fellows like the one pictured above!


You can change this!

USA Carpet Care will clean and restore your carpet to like new condition. We’ll take the  “Walked-on” look out of your entryways and hallways. We will remove most stains – often evn those caused by Coffee, Soda and Toner. And we’ll leave all of your carpet looking so bright and new you’ll feel as if you’ve given your whole office environment a face lift.

And perhaps most importantly, we will remove the hidden pollutant, allergens and bacteria from your carpet. Experts advise cleaning carpets on a regular basis to improve the quality of the indoor air you and your staff breathe all day.

If you haven’t had your carpets cleaned in the past six months, Now is the time to do something positive for your health. Clean carpet will improve indoor air quality and help eliminate health and allergy problems associated with building syndrome.

USA Carpet Care gives you all of these advantages…


Quotes in Writing

We give you a written quote on only the areas you want cleaned. There are no hassles, no up-selling and no surprises.


Seasonal Discounts

This is our slow time so we are currently scheduling work at discount prices. Now is the time to get your carpets cleaned and save money too!



We understand you’re busy and your staff needs their workspace. We work according to your schedule and return your carpet to service when you need it.


Guaranteed Work

Not only are our cleaning methods safe and thorough – they are 100% guaranteed. We boast “The Most Thorough Cleaning You Have Ever Had Or It’s Free Guarantee!” If you are not delighted, you don’t pay. What could be more fair?


USA Carpet Care

Will take the dirt, stains and contaminants and leave behind a beautiful, clean and healthy carpet. Now is a great time to give us a call. We hope to be of service soon.

Thank You,

The Staff of USA Carpet Care

Office: 480-250-0129

P.S Schedule your carpet cleaning in the next 30 days and receive a 10% Seasonal Discounts.